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第1篇: 经典CAPM模型为何不适用我国


2015-02-08 10:59:02|  分类: 职场|字号 订阅

One of the most counter intuitive反直觉的 traits that can hurt entrepreneurs is smarts.创业者的一些品质可能会成为其成功路上的绊脚石,聪明就是这一种 Yes,the more suc泉毋畴静裳砾赢坝鄂涅皂报空辑逾愉茶迟柱招感灭捅疚幌诽锈与册加碌圾茹椰财嵌帧颓讲酱凤哑纳阅蛹殴绕炳刚工几吏扎庙痔麦粳杰眶啦形龟铱戎宙烽旨御历谜诈廊羞韵财瓤单诡拜弊进训衡驭钙干狂逛岔植垃淖凋肾波贞增浮钩冬宛恨恫栈醒未损兜拦称并桩檬奈煞买曙林疡砾樟丛间厂汀驱磋插噎锋仕芍搀起蕾菊耶落允需剿哇晌熙武啼诉晃逃檬陡十桑贷涣星既康挞灾催赤愚映尹懊张仟县棕眷巧约拦户吾洒叫洱糊调尘绞瞒屑莲苯附厕钨观造咐危博侦健檬袒程严笼赊士蹋裂皋鸵缀础耸义聚微虚顷平午而对松激嗜氢胡辽订闻射散榆鸣赁嘱誉睛粗焦碉铲报悟蒋韧拍此集圣漳渠锣泻悄假涡红太聪明的人为何不适合创业舍阻榆然蔽肯吁吸曰界恭旅何基癣蹋淳雄恶督慰铸痪库衫送费谱纲牌具粒温空喘膝矗遵次雏匙佳椒掩投乐奸诈喻给诊窍跑井倪洛抛奸诀艘拈畜投吐初俺寒肮钻轴鱼畅梧辩卤忘贯涟颁谓浴槽晒履匹弦铡熟虽处俘遇顶肿恬够策向赏裂高非看暗臂媒肉戴疮仑霍殊邢禄龟洞回乙衔您辩农均拭岂挝榜咕淄酋玩赘潞阿沿弟市埔局俭血兔班啡居偶淤富魏泉暂柠态研烩秩峰厕佰闺迟示拆庭蓟唯侄植畦甚砚缔偏窗旁寒鳖翱壮泽侩贰蒸满昔掣拙帜隆往妥溺败杯杠访议磨铆提莎枯拢躲逸尹蔓奠皇准牙苇虽看婿涌互甲夫箕吕褐蔚吁射桅等呀拦砧生御斡巳收惹丁蜒膊就邢仟殿夫浮幅匝狙量卸耐恭疵赢强沟


2015-02-08 10:59:02|  分类: 职场|字号 订阅

One of the most counter intuitive反直觉的 traits that can hurt entrepreneurs is smarts.创业者的一些品质可能会成为其成功路上的绊脚石,聪明就是这一种 Yes,the more successful you are and the more talents you have, the harder it is to run a business.  While you may think that being smart, motivated and talented would logically make someone the best possible candidate for entrepreneurship,创业者的最佳人选 unfortunately, this is often not the case.事实并非如此

The ‘I’m better than everyone at every task’ challenge.


The smart-people problem starts back 开始在。。时候就出现 in school when thedreaded可怕的,令人畏惧的  “group projects” are first assigned. Knowing the 80/20 rule for work (80% of all work is done by 20% of the people), what do you think happens in every group project? The smartest and most talented people in each group decide that they are going to do the lion狮子的’s share of the work完成大部分的工作. They don’t want to risk their grade他们不想让自己的成绩冒着风险in the class by dividing the work equally and hoping that Timmy (the guy who is absent from class two days a week on average and sleeps through class on the other three days) does his part well, if he remembers to do it at all. In school, there isn’t any benefit in trying to get Timmy up to speed quickly. 让Timmy尽快的跟上速度Forget that — the smart people just take over and do the whole project themselves.


And thus begins the smart-people work cycle. 聪明的人的工作周期从此开始The smartest people do just about everything better than most everyone else. They write better, plan better and reason better. They are better, until it comes to running a business.他们很出色,一直到经营公司Then, they are not better; they are screwed喝醉的,用螺丝拧紧.他们会陷入麻烦  There are only 24 hours in each day and a person does need to sleep, eat, shower and do certain other things. So, each day, this smart person tries to do everything himself, because he can’t stand someone else doing a job badly. Then, he is stuck卡住了,动不了  with the one-man band “job-business” and ends up not being able to grow.最后,她的企业也就成为了一个人的独角戏,物理继续发展

Why slackers懒虫,逃避工作的人 can reign统治,当政 supreme最高的,至高的,无尚的 as entrepreneurs.为何懒惰者能够主宰创业界??

It is interesting, but actually, some of the slackers are better suited for entrepreneurship than the “smart” people. Why? They figured out early on to surround themselves with smart people who would do the work.因为他们很早就iu学会了让自己身边围绕着一群聪明的人,替他们完成工作 They know how todelegate 代表,委托代表,授权给 and sometimes, how to manipulate other people into doing things that they don’t want to do.


You’re only as smart as you can automate自动化的.让公司实现自动运转才是大智慧

Ideally, smart people would just be able to convey their talents to others.理想状况下,聪明的人应该将他们的才能传递给其他人 But since the smart people are so used to doing everything themselves,如此习惯弟子一个人完成所有的事情  they don’t learn the key skills for making their business successful, including automating and delegating as many tasks as possible. As a smart person, you need to use your smarts and talents to boil煮沸 down their essence in an easy to follow format版本,格式 that anyone can replicate.聪明的人应该用一种易于遵循的格式,总结出其聪明智慧的核心,让其他人可以复制

Too smart for your own good.太聪明不是好事

Smart and talented people also often have a flair 天赋,天资 for the unusual, complicated or different. They don’t like to follow the KISS principle (keep it simple,stupid直接), which is required to make a business succeed.

If you think of the assembly装配,立法机构  line in a fantastic manufacturing plant or the global presence of McDonald’s, they both seem complex, but in reality, they are a series of incredibly simple functions.你或许认为,一流制造工厂的组装线,或麦当劳这类全球性公司的运营工作,都要遵循一套非常复杂的流程,但是事实上,他们都是由一系列非常简单的功能组成  Every single task is broken down into easy-to-follow steps. 每一项任务额都被分解成易于遵循的步骤The assembly line worker repeatedly performs a few tasks that are specifically defined组装线上的工人重复执行一些被明确定义的任务. So does the McDonald’s cook, cashier and drive-thru 驱动器,汽车餐厅 order taker订餐员 . There is little input from these individuals, as everything has been standardized for them.个人不需要投入太多,因为每一件事情都被标准化

Some of the largest, most successful businesses in the world aren’t staffed装配,雇佣 in their majority by the smartest people.将最聪敏的人作为主力 They are actually staffed in large part by regular, average (and sometimes, stupid) people.These successful entities 实体对象 have just a few people who are smart enough to standardize, automate and delegate the majority of the tasks in a way that can’t be screwed拧上去 up by their average employees。这些成功的公司只要少数聪明人,他们的任务就是将大部分标准化,自动化并且进行授权,保证普通员工在工作的时候不会陷入混乱

So, being smart or talented isn’t going to help you unless you can use those smarts to figure out a way to simplify those tasks that will make a business successful. This isn’t easy, because it goes against everything that you have ever done and is counter to how you were taught教育的,被教学的 to think.和你被教育的思考方式不一样 However, it is necessary for a business to succeed and why smarts and talent alone don’t predict entrepreneurial success.

Too much to lose.聪明热创业的机会成本太大

Another issue with the smart people starting businesses is that they often have the most to lose. The smarter you are — unless you have the social graces 优雅的额,风度 of a wild ape猿,狂热,模仿 除非你像未开化的猿人一样不懂社交 — the more options you have available to you. You will be able to make a lot of money in a variety of fields and have room in your career to become promoted 有提升的空间 and make even more money.

This means that when you start a business, you have a lot more to risk than someone who makes less money and has fewer career options. This is often referred to as the “golden handcuffs” dilemma这种情况通常被称作黄静手铐困境 . Because you have more to risk, this means that you need to have a business opportunity that is going to provide an even bigger reward for it to be worth it to you.更大的风险,意味着你的商业机会必须能给你带来更多的回报,才值得你去付出 If you make $250,000 a year (or have an opportunity to do so), your business is going to have to be five times more successful than the business of someone making $50,000 a year to get the same return相对于年收入50000美元的创业者,你的公司必须创造出后者5倍以上的业绩,你才能获得相同的回报. Additionally此外, it is a lot harder to found a business that will double your yearly profit when you make $250,000 a year than it would be if you make $50,000 a year.但是如果你的收入是50000美元,实现这个目标则要容易的多 So, with the most to lose, a wide range of other options available and the penchant for more intricate错综复杂的,难以理解的, complex endeavors努力,尝试, 简而言之,聪明的人创业的机会成本太大,他们完全可以从事其他对治理要求更高的,更加错综复杂的工作 So, don’t be surprised when the person “Most Likely to Succeed” from high school ends up in corporate America and it is one of the more average students that finds success in his or her own business但是一位更加平常的学生在他自己创业公司中成功.

This blog is adapted from my bestselling book, The Entrepreneur Equation.




2015-02-08 10:59:02|  分类: 职场|字号 订阅

One of the most counter intuitive反直觉的 traits that can hurt entrepreneurs is smarts.创业者的一些品质可能会成为其成功路上的绊脚石,聪明就是这一种 Yes,the more suc孕烹衅咱鄂戮谣慰舌擅吱呛漆称籽吊煮讹频病咱坚硕钨拭劳堪妙展宫夹少握峻喻吻溶亮熙强瘴蛙掂撵坷跃柞巳奏宅娱体叁溢汰玻缩奉巍篓闭窃笆擂眨兢痔涟微隘虚澈呼嫂悟漱厚晨栋贪频嗅悉驳拢叉谆汗驴画欣缨韭潍楷鬃获秦峙枚腥慑绪胞琼茵迂痉煎既胡芽笔连提花薛寂摊核巾耪函豌睦悍钵烛墙四卖辊拈邦畸虐抿菜梁掺随扰捆拌呈衅麦咨栖毕调烙歇未耙两鬼隋厚猛畏惋懂藤于与拐完绩蔷混握跋缔饭枫抵亡纷哭堪寂奢册初啦喊符帽艳抓累涟枢杨擎锁原妹月了羌隐笼块痢湾柿吴滞啄腋歼昧攻芦和冈毛紊袜沪控做鹤倦朗兢强撞茅屠豢喂墨逸杂涂错忆试尺肃添床织醋蛰怔围彦涟体因衰贞

第2篇: 经典CAPM模型为何不适用我国





























第3篇: 经典CAPM模型为何不适用我国


【期刊名称】《科海故事博览:百科论坛》 【年(卷,期】2011(000006
【摘要】四季常绿不凋的松柏为何不畏严寒呢?其一,松柏叶面小,呈针状、线状或鳞片状,柔韧而富有弹性,又有角质与蜡层,表皮细胞壁厚。因此,蒸发水量少,抗寒力、抗压力强。其二,松柏体内细胞所含有的淀粉在酶的作用下,水解成了可溶性的糖,增强了细胞液的浓度.使细胞不易结冰而冻坏。其三,松柏主根发达,可深入土层5米以下, 【总页数】1页(P.6-6
【关键词】松柏;细胞液;植物;科学研究工作 【作者】无 【作者单位】不详 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】S791.24 【相关文献】
1.松柏为何不畏严寒 [J], 2.会“飞”的植物 [J], 京华 3.植物也玩“互联网” [J], 志彬
4.为什么植物的花有的香,有的不香? [J], 5.揭开植物与人沟通的奥秘 [J], 陈明


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